'How bright is a star?': it's relative, just like success. Even when things (i.e. goals) seem distant or uncertain our North star nears closer when our intentions, consistency, and obedience align. Shine on!
Creative Direction: Antonio Wooten
Photography: Andréas Ward

Special thank you to Everybody's Records (Cincinnati) for & Chauncey for providing the backdrop and hospitality to capture this moment.

Each garment is carefully inspected, treated, dried, dyed, rinsed, washed, dried, printed, inspected, and carefully packaged to find its new home. These products are our labor of love, an expression of care, thought, intention, vision, patience, sacrifice, and execution. If it were easy everybody would do it.

...but we're set a part and we move accordingly.
Enough words. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking, enjoy.

In case you scrolled this far firs, thank you; second, here's a link to get in early. And drop a comment while you're at it- let us know what you think. Also special prize for anybody who catches the reference in the color way names, very much childhood nostalgia... think Saturday mornings.