...it feels even better to be back!!
A lot has changed since we last spoke.
Last time we spoke this operation was only 3 years old (an infant). I stepped away because I had some maturing and living to do. To be candid, life was kind of having its way with me for a minute (essay on why I’m divorcing from hustle culture to follow). I believe I’m on the other side of it now or at least better equipped with the tools I need (S/O to counseling & community). I thought about giving up more times than I could count. The funny thing about divine intervention is that it’s never that easy to simply walk away (s/o God). Transparently, I have some folks to settle up with as it relates to Lunch Money, if you happen to be one of them, click here to shoot me an email so we can settle the score.
What does all this mean for the future?
Lunch Money is back, better & fortified. We have some measures of accountability in place to ensure that you’ll always know where and when product releases, how to get it & how soon it can get to you (no bs). I actually have a team member’s whose sole responsibility is customer satisfaction. But to give it to you more plainly *in case you missed our email*
We’re doing a couple pop-ups during Blink Cincinnati so be on the lookout for more details in the coming days. Peep the drip below:
Sometimes you just need to hear it & see it to believe it: The Future is Brighter with you in it

These will be available for pickup at our upcoming events, but of course you get first dibs. If you see something you like just reply directly to our last newsletter or click here to let us know which product(s) you'd like & the corresponding size(s) & we’ll make sure you get what you need.